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Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Moving and Murphy’s Law

Sunday, 29 September 2019

Wow has it been a crazy couple of weeks since I lasted posted.  Really wanted to do a minimum of one weekly post but all hell broke loose around here.  What can happen will, right?

So an update on what has happened so far.  We sold everything we wanted to sell, which was mostly furniture, I was supposed to have already listed my car for sale but that has not happened yet.  Last weekend which was the 21st of September, Ayden and I went out for a boat dive with our favorite local dive shop, MDA.  The dive was great until the end when Ayden deployed his safety sausage, formal name, Delayed Surface Marker Buoy (DSMB). It was all my fault, he was holding the reel, I inflated it using my alternate regulator, I over inflated it.  This caused the buoy to rocket to the surface and the reel was spinning in Aydens’s hand way to fast.  Being only 11 his smaller hands are much closer to the reel than an adult.  The reel ended up cutting his hand in 5 different locations, thankfully as soon as it cut him he let go.  Our friend Matt recovered the reel while we finished our safety stop and surfaced.  Once on the boat the Dive Master cleaned up Ayden’s hand and bandaged it.  The cuts were all superficial, he’s had much worse falling off his skate board and bicycle.  Ayden being the tough guy he is still wanted to do the second dive which we did without incident.

Ok, Ayden received a few superficial cuts, whats the big deal?  Well Sunday evening his hand was a little swollen.  We decided to call first thing on Monday for a Doctors Appointment.  Fast forward to Monday afternoon at the pediatricians office the hand is really swollen and red.  Pediatrician sent us to the emergency room.  1030 pm Ayden is in the operating room under anesthesia for almost 2 hours while they flushed the infection out of his hand.  He stayed in the hospital 4 days receiving different IV antibiotics.  He is home now and doing great but the movers are coming on Tuesday and we are so not ready for them to come.  I don’t know how we are going to get everything sorted through and prepped but it has to happen.  What is making this move difficult is that we are going to Thailand with only luggage, all of our household goods are going into storage in California. Different piles all over the house, we have a Thailand pile, Storage pile, Donate Pile, and of course the trash pile.

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

The movers came today, everything went well.  They will finish up tomorrow.  Somehow Christina and I sorted through everything we wanted to get to.  We have tomorrow to finish packing and the movers should only be here for half a day to load the rest of our stuff.  On Sunday I travel to San Diego to out process from the U.S. Navy and start my terminal leave. The family will stay until the end of the month in Guam, I will return to Guam and then together we will fly to Thailand on 2 November if all goes well.  We have a plan and are prepared to deviate as necessary.  Hopefully when I post again I am in San Diego.

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