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Thursday, September 12, 2019

Moving Internationally With Four Kids

How does a large family move overseas?  I'm not going to try and say its all peachy because its not, its horrible!!  Since Christina and I are not Thai and are going to be on tourists visas all we are taking is what will fit in our suitcases.  We will have to travel in and out of the country every 60 to 90 days.  We are taking clothing, a few toys, educational material, and dive gear!!!  All in all not much, just 14 suitcases and 7 carry ons.😀

I am about to start my terminal leave from the United States Navy.  We are currently stationed in Guam and have been for over 2 years.  All of our household goods will be shipped to storage in California.  Our van is being sent to Texas where I am from and where my most of my family members live.

In the meantime we still have to sell some furniture and pack out in a few weeks. I have to travel to San Diego to out process from the Navy.  Once I start my terminal leave I will return to Guam, pickup the family and we should be in Thailand by the start of November.

There are literally dozens of different things to discuss and write about in relation to this move.  Packing, Education, Health Care, Visas, Finance, Housing, Logistics, Family Dynamics, Travel, and the list goes on.  And then there are things unique to our family, ADHD, ODD, Bronchiectasis, Diving, Camping, and I am pretty sure some other things I cannot think about right now.

With everything going on I probably won't be able to post as much as I want until we are finally settled in Thailand but I will try and keep updates coming as quickly as feasible.

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